Love, Luck and Little Green Men

Fun Notes

1. Erin Flaherty is hopelessly in love with her priest. Is it wrong for the two of them to spend time together? Should she avoid him altogether to avoid the temptations posed by this forbidden fruit?

2. Erin faces a heartbreaking choice – do something she considers immoral and risk the respect of the man she loves, or lose her son’s beloved dog to a tumor. When do the ends justify the means? What would you do if you were in Erin’s shoes?

3. Brendan longs for the happy family life he missed as a child, but he took vows when he became a priest. Is it always wrong to break such vows? Or can it be part of a divine plan?

4. Seamus is a cosmic messenger of sorts. Have you ever received an unexpected message from an unusual source?

5. Family is a big theme in the book. When will trials and tribulations weaken family bonds, and when will they strengthen them? 

6. Erin struggles when she learns about her true lineage. What things define a person most? Do the things that define us vary from person to person? What defines you?

Diane Kelly loves to Skype with book clubs! Contact her through her website contact link to schedule a virtual visit with your book club.